*** Domestic affairs at the beginning In order to deploy a unit, weapons for the number of people are required, and once deployed, Consumes ammunition every turn. Therefore, at the beginning of the game, first focus on domestic affairs, and after increasing the national power to some extent through construction and trade, etc. Organizing your troops will give you more leeway. *** Diplomacy Since diplomacy is almost horizontal in the early stages, if you diplomatize with a neighboring country once or twice to make diplomacy plus They will not attack immediately. Conversely, if diplomacy with a neighboring country turns negative, they may attack immediately in the early stages. Caution is required. Diplomacy increases and decreases randomly every turn, and the diplomacy of each power changes greatly when the base falls. If a player is targeted, they will receive -150 diplomacy and cannot be returned immediately. Therefore, in addition to paying attention to AI trends, it is necessary to foresee diplomatic changes when attacking bases. there is. *** Trade Commodity prices are based on seasonal market prices for each month. Increase or decrease. (written in log) However, the trend index is randomly corrected by about -+30%, so the market may not move much. Check in advance which products have price fluctuations in which months, buy in bulk in months when prices are low, Just by selling in the month when the price is high, you can increase your funds to some extent in the early stages. AI has little impact on the trade market in the early stages as it invests funds in bases. However, after the middle stage, funds will be surplus, and we will buy a large amount of products that have become cheaper, and when the price is high, Since all powers sell out, the supply and demand market may fluctuate greatly. For example, if commodity prices drop in a certain month, all powers will buy in bulk, and when the next turn comes, The product becomes a buy-out state, and the price rises on the contrary this time. If you grasp the flow of such overall price fluctuations, you will be able to increase your funds smoothly. *** Training Basically, the more troops you have, the stronger your attack and defense will be. Therefore, I would like to train as many people as possible, but the training is over and they are waiting at the base. Soldiers will consume some supplies. (1 supply for every 10 soldiers) Training soldiers at bases far from the front lines with nowhere to go will put pressure on food consumption. It can also be a thing. When training, it is recommended to do it as close to the front lines as possible. However, since the base may be attacked, it is better to have the minimum number of soldiers on standby at any base. It's safe. *** Troop formation Both attack power and defense power are calculated in proportion to the number of troops. If the unit is divided, the defense power will decrease accordingly, so even if the total number of people is the same, the damage received will be less. Slightly larger. Therefore, it is better to organize a unit with as many people as possible, and you can fight advantageously in field battles. However, the terrain effect will be added to the bonus per unit regardless of the number of people. For example, a mountain has an attack bonus of 120, but a single attack with a 1000-man army gives a bonus of +120. However, if all 10 units of 100 people attack from the mountain, all attacks will have a bonus. A total of 1200 plus a 10x bonus. Units also have aptitudes depending on their type. Cavalry are mediocre in both offense and defense, but their high mobility allows them to reach target bases the fastest. Spearmen have high attack and defense, making them suitable for fighting on flat ground. Since the bow has a long range, it is easy to take advantage of terrain effects such as forests and mountains. Marines have a bonus to attack power at sea, but are at a disadvantage in combat on land. A deployed unit consumes 5 supplies per soldier. A unit of 1,000 men consumes 5,000 supplies per turn. Farm income per base in the early stages is 8000, which is equivalent to food for 1600 field soldiers. Since soldiers waiting at the base also consume some provisions, the actual number of soldiers that can be dispatched will be around 1400-1500. These grow to 35,000 by agricultural land development. In other words It will be possible to cover up to 7000 field soldiers per base. *** Outdoor In the field, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of the unit and use it properly. Cavalry with high mobility will reach the base first. However, fighting with cavalry alone would be disadvantageous, so cavalry deliberately entered the enemy's search range and After attracting it, it will guide you to a close range such as a spearman who is strong in close combat. Spearmen have an advantage in close combat due to their high attack and defense. Basically, other units attack the base while spearmen are fighting with field units. Since archers have a long range, it is more effective to use terrain effects. Especially when placed on the mountain, attack + 120, defense + 50 bonus correction arrives, so you can attack twice Archers are greatly enhanced. On the other hand, archers are vulnerable in both attack and defense, so you need to be careful not to be attacked on flat ground. Cavalry Archers combine the mobility of cavalry with the range of archers. Therefore, you can always fight the enemy from an advantageous position in the field. Sailors have triple attack power in naval battles. This gives them an overwhelming advantage in naval battles, but they are mediocre in ground combat. It moves slightly faster on the sea than on land, and it is difficult to encounter field soldiers, so it is recommended to follow the sea. It is also possible to attack distant bases. *** Base Defense Bases do not have a set defense, so bases with low durability become very vulnerable. However, since AI preferentially attacks outdoor units from the base, If you let them march out, the attack on the base will be postponed. Once the AI targets a base, it will continue to send soldiers as long as the funds last, so in the field Staying on defense is not very efficient. Ultimately, it will be important to improve your diplomatic level with gifts and the like to avoid being targeted by AI. *** AI movement AI replenishes supplies > Construction > Weapon purchase > Trade spend funds in order of priority. First, sell special products while checking the market price for each turn, and stockpile food for one turn of field soldiers. Replenish your supplies to hold. If there is enough money, we will start construction first, so AI base development is early in the early stages, but it is roughly the upper limit. It is designed to develop only half In other words, if you develop steadily, the development scale for each base will be larger for players than for AI. After that, if there are not enough soldiers on standby at the base, purchase weapons train. And if there is enough food income at the base, 400-800 field soldiers will be dispatched. After that, if you have surplus funds, buy the products with the lowest price one by one, and sell them on the next turn. I repeat. Since it is advantageous to have a large number of troops in a field battle, when a player goes to battle, a troop of 1000 or more is required. Organizing is recommended. However, if you suddenly send thousands of troops to the front, the food supply balance will become negative and there is a risk of annihilation in the long term. Therefore, you need to manage your ammunition properly.